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Pictures_With Me

So here are some pics with me !
backstage 1
backstage 1
backstage in Wizards of Waverly Place
backstage in Wizards of Waverly Place
backstage with selena and jake
backstage with selena and jake
debby and me
debby and me
figured out how to use this twitpic thing, HI!
figured out how to use this twitpic thing, HI!
hard work bahahaha
hard work bahahaha
Here is david
Here is david
I am the real man!
I am the real man!
I got to meet the phantom after the show!!!!!!!!
I got to meet the phantom after the show!!!!!!!!
I miss u all and love you so much... this was new years night.
I miss u all and love you so much... this was new years night.
i see you bahahaha
i see you bahahaha

Comments • 2

medya 5 January 2011  
very nice
SwaggaCatta 21 November 2010  
Cute. <3 :]
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